Mega Construx Call of Duty Urban Assault Copter
価格: ¥7,806
回転プロペラを作業して、マシンガン、ミサイルランチャーで構築可能なUrban Assaultコプター
非常に詳細な、1つのパイロット、キャプテンLowを含めsuper-poseable Microアクションフィギュアが3つ、兵士
Lead a ghostly aerial assault with Captain Merrick and his seals! it's chopper time when Captain Merrick and his team of Navy seals drop into battle with a helicopter made just for urban assault! powerful yet agile enough for recon and air-to-ground escort, this buildable copter comes ready for action with a machine gun and working missile launcher.Sit your pilot in the cockpit, then deploy when you use the fully-loaded supply crate to outfit Merrick and his Soldier for combat in the urban arena!