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Berkey KDSF Shower filter without Massaging Shower Head

価格: ¥12,258
カテゴリ: Tools & Hardware
ブランド: Berkey
塩素の減少を最大95 %
berkeyは通常必要交換できる最後の前に、(約) 1年または2万ガロンどちらか早い方はシャワーフィルタ
The KDF shower filter removes up to 95% of chlorine.The KDF 55 granules also remove or reduce hydrogen sulphide, microorganisms, scale and water-soluble heavy metals such as lead, mercury and iron.KDF process media also kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of bacteria, algae and fungi.As an added benefit, KDF media reduce lime scale, mould and fungi in your shower.The dual media KDF Shower filter will typically last 10, 0ls or one year whichever comes first.The shower filter contains KDF 55 granules, which are most effective in removing or reducing chlorine, hydrogen sulphide, microorganisms, scale and water-soluble heavy metals such as lead, mercury and iron.KDF process media also kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of bacteria, algae and fungi.As an added benefit, KDF media reduce lime scale, mould and fungi in your shower.KDF process media are completely safe so the process is not toxic and does not cause any adverse side effects.Effective for both hot and cold water.