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価格: ¥1,200
カテゴリ: 単行本
ブランド: 実業之日本社
学術書の範疇 ★★★★☆
入門書として ★★★☆☆
詳しい占星術入門書 ★★★★☆
This is an introductory book on astrlogy. The author explains not only details about the interpretation of the horoscope, but also how every interpretation is based on the long history of astrology. The literature is not casual but I am sure that you could refer to this book long as a useful textbook.
Among all the chapters, I am impressed with her nice explanation for Transit and Progression. According to her, the aspect constructed by two progressed planets tells us the development of life, while the aspect between a progressed planet and a natal planet indicates the fulfillment of the event described in his/her natal chart. Moreover, she says that the effect of progressed planets becomes the largest one, when they are in conjunction with transiting planets. In this sense, she concludes that natal planets indicate some factors of an event, progressed planets set an environment, and transiting planets trigger the event.
占星術を学びたい人に ★★★☆☆