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Put 'Em Down, Take 'Em Out!: Knife Fighting Techniques From Folsom Prison (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Anyone can be the subject of a knife attack. Maximize your chances for survival by learning realistic aspects of knife attack and defense.
Forget what you’ve seen in movies and on television—a knife attack is usually fast, furious, and often fatal. When it comes to increasing your chances of surviving, even the best martial arts schools are no match for the hard lessons learned in brutal institutions like Prison.
These deadly techniques were developed in the violence of Folsom Prison and go far beyond what you learn in karate class.
If it’s true that, as a poet once said, “prison is like high school with knives,” then facilities like Folsom are the Ivy League of violence. Serving a sentence at Folsom is like earning a PhD in staying alive. Don Pentecost has done the time so you don’t have to.
Covers valuable information like:
Defending yourself against an attack
Going on the offensive
Training methods to maximize your chances of survival
The Techniques and drills depleted in this book are extremely dangerous. It is not the Intent of the author, publisher, or distributors of this book to entourage readers to attempt any of these techniques or drills without proper professional supervision and training. Attempting to do so can result in sievere injury or death. Do not attempt any of these techniques or drills wjthoi.it the supervision of a certified instructor.
The author., publisher, ttnd distributors of this book disclaim any liability from any damage or injuries of any type that a reader or user of information contained in this book may encounter from the use of said information. This book is presented for academic study otify.
1.Basics of Knife Fighting
1.1 The Deadliest Weapons
1.2 Emphasis on Technique
1.3 Mental Tactics
1.4 Adrenalin and Fear
2.Knife Fighting Myths
2.1 Leading with the Knife
2.2 Knife Against Knife
2.3 Face-Off
3.4 Commando Takedowns
2.5 Martial Arts Myths
3.Knife Attack
3.1 Knife Fighting Grips
3.1.1 Ice Pick Grip
3.1.2 Fighting Grip
3.1.3 Hit Grip
3.2 Knife Fighting Stance
3.3 One-Two Attack
3.3.1 Lead (Empty) Hand Strikes
3.4 Three-Step Attack
3.5 Control of the Opponent's Left Side
3.6An Effective Attack Combination
3.7 Targets
3.7.1 Heart
3.7.2 Neck
3.7.3 Hamstring Cut
3.8 Object Jab29
3.9 Inserting the Knife
3.10Other Weapon Attacks
4.Knife Defense
4.1 Knife Defense Stance
4.2 Defense Against Arm Grabs
4.3 Grappling and Knives
4.4 Principles of Trapping
4.5 Counterattack Angles
4.6 Group Attacks
5.1 Mental Training
5.2 Basic Training
5.3 Movement and Footwork
5.4 Breath Control
5.5 Eye Training
5.6 Practice Drill
A large selection of knives here