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Presentation Skills Masterclass: Want To Be A Better Business Presenter? (Business Presentations and Public Speaking) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: www.ricksmithbooks.com

"Most Business Winners are Great Presenters"

If you’re planning on going places in business or public life, your success will largely depend on your ability to make presentations or speeches. Successful careers are built on great presentation skills, and opportunities are often lost by people who failed to impress when it was their turn to get up and speak. Most of the time, you get one shot at it, so it needs to be slick and polished if you're going to get your messages across.

It Helps to Have a Mentor

Michael Jackson has carved out a 15-year reputation as one of the best business-to-business speakers on the global professional circuit. Now, for the first time in print and e-book, Michael shares his expert knowledge, and shows you how to make massive strides with your presentation skills.

In this book, you will learn;

  • A 6-Step Presentation Planning Method that virtually builds itself, and works in every situation.
  • The Skeleton System for constructing persuasive and engaging presentation material.
  • The Do’s and Don’ts if you want to get your message across to everyone.
  • How to Analyze Your Audience and plan your presentation to appeal to them all.
  • How to Conquer your Fear of public speaking, and present with supreme confidence.
  • Tricks of the Trade that the professionals use to guarantee a perfect delivery every time.

The book also includes complimentary streaming access to Michael's Keynote Presentation, "The Challenge of Change," which has been delivered live to over 500,000 delegates worldwide.

Secret Weapons for Perfect Presentations

In almost every business discipline, presentations have become the accepted format for information distribution. No one “reads the memo” these days. People show up for a meeting and expect to get the full story, on the spot, in a way that excites, interests, or simply informs. Get it right, and your reputation is enhanced, and you will be asked back for more. Get it wrong, and you may be consigned to the backbenches because you either bored the audience or failed to communicate your message.

Perfect presentations are a product of good preparation and lots of practice; even the most charismatic business people still need these elements coupled with technique and professionalism. Winging it is not an option.

Read this book, watch the videos (the links are inside), and learn the key techniques easily and quickly. You’ll be shown exactly how to plan, construct, rehearse, and deliver so your messages resonate with your audience, and your ideas get enthusiasm and support every time.

Fast-Track Coaching from a Globally-Renowned Master Craftsman

Michael Jackson presents at more than 160 conferences and seminars each year across Africa, Asia, Europe, America, and the Middle East, to audiences ranging from factory workers to Heads of State. He is highly rated by his clients, conference organizers, and audiences, for the way he creates and delivers powerful messages. Michael has worked with leaders like Nelson Mandela and Richard Branson, as well as the directors of many leading global businesses, such as Microsoft, Qatar Airways, and HP.

You could spend years 'learning on the job,' or you could read Michael Jackson's Presentation Skills Masterclass in a weekend, and be on your way to presentation excellence by Monday morning!

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