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Almost Autism: Recovering Children from Sensory Processing Disorder: A Reference for Parents and Practitioners (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Maria Rickert Hong, CHHC, AADP has recovered her two sons from Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), what she calls "almost autism". One of the problems with SPD is that it’s not an official diagnosis. As a parent or practitioner, you’re left on your own to get help for a child whose issues you can’t quite put your finger on. This child doesn’t have autism, but they almost have autism, and they fall through the cracks. Knowing the confusion and lack of information that parents and practitioners have about the disorder, she sets out a clear roadmap in this book for recovering a child from increased sensory sensitivities.

In this book you will learn, in layman's terms:

•What the common symptoms of SPD are.
•What causes SPD: toxicity, gut dysbiosis, immune dysregulation, nutritional deficiencies, adrenal imbalances, thyroid imbalances, inflammation and other factors.
•How these factors cause neurodevelopmental damage, which may initially show up as retained primitive reflexes.
•What an MTHFR mutation is and how it affects an SPD child.
•What are the roles of genetics and epigenetics.
•What mitochondrial dysfunction is and what to do about it.
•How to recover a child, step by step, from SPD.
•How to get a child to sleep better.
•How to choose and cook foods that will lower stress.
•How to lower inflammation, a key component of sensory dysfunction.
•How to control blood-sugar swings that are hidden causes of sensory sensitivities.
•How to prioritize therapies for sensory integration.
•Why healing the gut is so important for lowering sensory symptoms and for preparing the body for detoxification.
•How to detoxify a child safely and gently.

As you read through this one-of-a-kind book, you’ll realize that the world isn’t what it seems. You’ll learn how to think for yourself and, ultimately, how to empower yourself.