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Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies and Truth about Pet Food (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Pet Food is the only food industry allowed to lie to consumers. The only food industry given FDA permission to violate federal food safety law. Buyer Beware is the documented truth about what millions of pet parents are unknowingly feeding their pets. "While pet food advertising bombards us with the images of plump fresh meats, brightly colored vegetables, and beautiful grains in their products, Susan talks about ethoxyquin, recalls, rendering, and deceptive advertising. And she’s got the facts to back up her writings. Something, as you will learn from reading this book, the pet food industry is not required to have. It is high time that the pet food industry’s secrets were brought to light. This book represents a giant step toward exposing everyday practices that jeopardize our pets’ health. Learn the truth." Laurie S. Coger, DVM, CVCP www.TheWholisticVet.com Buyer Beware includes a large section explaining the regulations within the pet food industry, including shocking details of little known FDA Compliance Policies that allow diseased animals, pesticide contaminated food ingredients, and much more, to be processed into pet food. Further, the new book contains a section titled 'How Horrible Can Pet Food Ingredients Get?, providing readers easy to understand details of common pet food ingredients such as Animal Fat, By-Product Meal, Canola Oil, Dyes, and much more. The book also includes eight personal stories of pet food tragedy; some tragedies of the 2007 pet food recall and other tragedies from 'regular' non-recalled pet food. "As I was reading the pet tales to Mom, we both started bawling. Those stories are just heart breakers" says Mollie M. pet parent that previewed Buyer Beware. Mollie M. also shared "This is exactly what I have been searching for, a book on the truth behind the pet food industry. There is not a single book on the market today like this; I know, I have been searching for one." Buyer Beware represents years of research and writing from TruthaboutPetFood.com; learn the truth about what your dog or cat could be eating.