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The Odyssey: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

価格: ¥1,493
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Penguin Classics
“I long to be homeward bound” Simon and Garfunkle ★★★★★
The Trojan War is over and one of our hero kings is lost. His son (Telemachus) travels to find any information about his father’s fait. His wife (Penelope) must cunningly hold off suitors that are eating them out of house and home.

If he ever makes it home Odysseus will have to detect those servants loyal from those who are not. One absent king against rows of suitors; how will he give them their just deserts? We look to Bright Eyed Pallas Athena to help prophecy come true.

Interestingly all the tales of monsters and gods on the sea voyage was told by Odysseus. Notice that no on else survives to tell the tale. So we have to rely on Odysseus’ word.

Many movies took sections of The Odyssey, and expanded them to make interesting stories those selves.

Not just the story but the way in which it is told will keep you up late at night reading.