(48, Assorted) - Bullseye Office - Assorted Acrylic Push Pin Magnets - Perfect as Refrigerator Magnets, Whiteboard Magnets, Office Magnets (48, Assorted)
価格: ¥5,845
多目的な押しピン磁石 - 事務所や家のマグネットセットに最適。地図のマグネット、カレンダーのマグネット、ホワイトボードのマグネット、または冷蔵庫のマグネットに最適。
カラフルなアクリル – 48個のアクリル押しピン磁石セット。ブルーマグネット12個、グリーン12個、ピンク12個、黄色12個のカラフルマグネットの組み合わせ。
朝協力 – これらのカラフルマグネットは、1つで確実にプリンタ用紙6枚まで固定出来ます。マグネットの小さな見かけに騙されないでください!
Set of 48 Acrylic Magnetic Push Pins.
Your search for the perfect office magnet has ended.As strong as they are colourful, these fun magnets are versatile
Apply this colourful magnet set to any magnetic surface - magnetic whiteboard, fridges, cabinets and lockers.
Ideal Fridge or Office magnets, they can hold up to six sheets of paper with ease.Don't be fooled by these small magnets.They pack a magnetic punch!
Perfect also for marking magnetic maps and as fridge magnets, calendar magnets, and whiteboard magnets.Important note: This product does not perform well on glass magnetic boards.
This magnet set complies with the regulations and labelling requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.