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The Body in the Graveyard (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
It’s the Fleet Abbey open day and somewhere in amongst the large crowds of tourists and locals who are out enjoying the sunny weather and the traditional funfair, there’s a killer lurking.
Inspector Rudolph Riley is one of the many people enjoying a day out and the spell of good weather, until the two ice-creams, which he’s just purchased from the pop-up kiosk, are sent flying from his hands by a young man who seems hell bent on getting as far away as possible from the crowds.
But if losing his much anticipated ices isn’t bad enough, his day off is soon completely ruined by the unexpected arrival of his sergeant and half the Fleetmouth police force, who have descended upon the abbey in response to a report that there is a body in the graveyard. An event, which normally wouldn’t be thought too unusual… but as the police soon discover, this corpse is lying on top of the gravestone, rather than six feet underneath it.
As the subsequent investigation begins to unfold, it transpires that the murder victim could be involved in the illegal importation and distribution of anabolic steroids that seemed to be flooding the town through a network of bars and gymnasiums… whilst the spot in the graveyard where the body was found, is a hotspot for the ghostly sighting of a woman, who locals and experts alike call the Spanish Lady… a woman of noble birth who died of the plague some four hundred years earlier around the time of the Spanish Armada.
Intrigued by the possibility of a ghostly apparition stalking the corridors of Fleet Abbey, DC Eleanor Jenkins sets about trying to learn more about the woman in question and whether the discovery of her skeleton could have any connection to the present day murder. What she uncovers during the course of the investigation, are rumours of a fabulous jewelled crucifix and a hoard of gold coins, which were taken from a captured Spanish galleon by Sir Richard Drew and buried somewhere on the estate by his father, who was the sixteenth century ancestor of Cedric Drew… who himself was the last surviving member of the Drew dynasty and the unfortunate victim found in the graveyard.
Of course Riley doesn’t see the connection and doesn’t believe in coincidences. For him there’s a much more rational explanation that lies in the present day and one that peddles drugs to unsuspecting fools who are hell bent on improving their bodies at any price… and anyway, he has a new chief superintendent to impress and a chief constable to prove wrong… But if all that isn’t sufficient to turn his hair grey and make him a candidate for early retirement, the local businessman he suspects of being involved with the drug smuggling, has his boat stolen right from under the noses of the police… a theft which confounds the investigation, and sends Sergeant Thomas off on a dangerous voyage of discovery into unchartered waters.
Away from work, but still helping to move the investigation along in her own inimitable way is Dolly… Riley’s not so silent partner, and a parrot with more attitude than most detective constables and more to say than is usually prudent.