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ThinkFun シンクファン CODE3 On the Blink コード オン・ザ・ブリンク

価格: ¥4,212
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: キャスト・ジャパン(CAST JAPAN)
対象年齢 :5から108才
On the brink is the first in a series of games designed to build the mental skills needed to fully grasp the concept of coding. All of the games are screen-free for a unique, unplugged play experience. Each of the 40 on the brink challenges contains a map of colored squares. Each color has pre-program moves for your robot to perform. Use your problem-solving skills to determine the moves that will successfully get your robot from start to finish. On the brink is a fun and challenging step up from more simple sequencing games like robot turtles. Suitable for ages 8 years and up. For over 30 years, Thinkfun Has been dedicated to creating games that spark curiosity, cultivate confidence, and nurture life-long learners. Its games encourage interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (stem), while generating excitement for a world of learning through play. Innovation, creativity, value, and fun are the four elements that comprise the development of every game. Ignite the mind, and change the world for each player.