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古诗古画50首 (简体中文注音版) - 50 Ancient Chinese Poems with Ancient Chinese Paintings (Simplified Chinese Edition with Pinyin) - A Classical Chinese Poetry book for kids and adults (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
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The Chinese book has two versions in both formats of kindle ebook and paperback. One version is marked with Pinyin and the other without Pinyin. Please select the version that best suits your need. The poems are printed in supper large front so readers of all ages even toddlers can read comfortably and simply enjoy it. An audiobook version is coming up so stay tuned.

这本中文书包含两个版本,“注音版” 及 “无注音版”, 分别有“电子书”和“纸版书”两种形式。注音版对古诗文字内容标注了拼音。无注音版,只对难字标注了拼音。请根据您的需要选择不同的版本。书中的诗歌文字用超大字体印刷,适合小到几岁大到几十岁的读者来学习阅读。本书的有声版即将问世,敬请期待。

Classical Chinese poetry is the crown jewels of ancient Chinese literature. For thousands of years, these classical poems have touched countless hearts and will continue doing so for years to come. For anyone who is learning Chinese, classical Chinese poetry serves as a pathway to true understanding of Chinese culture. Traditional Chinese paintings play an almost equally important role in Chinese culture with the same aesthetic sensations. In this book, you will find a perfect combination of both. It contains 50 carefully selected ancient Chinese poems that is classical and essential and yet still easy to understand. Many of them are down selected from the collection of 300 Tang Dynasty Poems. Each poem is paired with one classical Chinese painting which by itself is a priceless artwork and when combined with poetry enhances the beauty of each other. These paintings will also help the readers to understand the meaning of the poems.

The book is good for learning Chinese Characters at the medium and advanced levels. A reader at the beginning level may also find it enjoyable if he or she has basic understanding of the Chinese language. For a child around or above 2 years old, even listening and recitation without understanding are sufficient because the rhythms and rhymes in the poems are so pleasing to the little kids.



1. 孟浩然《春晓》
2. 邵雍《山村咏怀》
3. 王之焕《登鹳雀楼》
4. 李白《静夜思》
5. 骆宾王《咏鹅》
6. 贾岛《寻隐者不遇》
7. 柳宗元《江雪》
8. 白居易《赋得古原草送别》
9. 郑燮《咏雪》
10. 范仲淹《江上渔者》
11. 王维《竹里馆》
12. 李商隐《乐游原 》
13. 李清照《夏日绝句》
14. 乐府《江南 》
15. 王维《相思》
16. 刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》
17. 贺知章《咏柳》
18. 李绅《悯农·其一 》
19. 王安石《泊船瓜洲 》
20. 佚名《画 》
21. 杜牧《清明》
22. 王维《鹿柴》
23. 杨万里《小池》
24. 孟浩然 《宿建德江》
25. 王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟》
26. 孟郊《游子吟》
27. 乐府《敕勒歌》
28. 王安石《梅花》
29. 贺知章《回乡偶书》
30. 李白《独坐敬亭山》
31. 王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》
32. 卢纶《塞下曲·其三》
33. 李白《望庐山瀑布》
34. 李绅《悯农· 其二》
35. 王维《送元二使安西》
36. 杜甫《绝句》
37. 高适《别董大》
38. 李白《早发白帝城》
39. 杜甫《春夜喜雨》
40. 王冕《墨梅》
41. 杜牧《山行》
42. 郑燮《竹石》
43. 范成大《四时田园杂兴》
44. 苏轼《题西林壁》
45. 王翰 《凉州词·其一》
46. 张继《枫桥夜泊》
47. 杜牧《江南春》
48. 韦应物《滁洲西涧》
49. 李白《送孟浩然之广陵》
50. 王之涣《出塞》