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The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody Is Sick - And I Know Why (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
In 1912, the Congress of the United States granted the American Medical Association exclusive control over the development and delivery of medicine. This marked the beginning of an ongoing 100+ year Machiavellian monopolization of the medical marketplace by the MDs and the pharmaceutical industry. This medical monopoly has been in place for so long that most people do not even recognize it as such. In fact, it was this monopoly that gave rise to the perjorative term "Alternative Medicine." The rise to power of the MDs effectively eliminated any chance of a free medical market. It is this lack of a free medical market (which would allow for equal access to Naturopathic medicine, Chiropractic medicine, Homeopathic medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, Herbalism, etc) that is responsible for the horrible health outcomes we are facing here in the 21st century. Why? - Because the type of medicine that the MDs are trained in (Allopathic medicine) is best suited for Surgery, Trauma Care and a handful of Infectious Diseases. For most of the conditions that most people go to the doctor for most of the time, MD directed medicine is completely inappropriate. It is the wrong dog for the hunt. In point of fact, since the MDs have been in exclusive control of the medical marketplace, chronic diseases are accelerating. Alzheimer's, Autism, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, ADHD, and Cancer (to name a few) are all increasing in incidence. The MDs will argue that these things are happening because of genetics - but this is a dodge, an untruth, a red herring designed to make excuses for their gargantuan failures. Interestingly, it is the wholistic medical professionals of the world who hold the keys to the cures that so many sick and suffering people are desperately searching for. The MD Medical Monopoly would have you believe that these "Alternative" doctors are quacks, undeserving of the title "doctor"- but that is also a lie. It is a baseless ad-hominem attempt to discredit the competition in order to deflect the conversation concerning health outcomes away from the simple fact that while people all around the world have been paying through their noses for medical access, the system of medicine that they have been granted access to has let them down completely.
In this book Dr Glidden helps you to understand the arc of medical evolution over the last 2 centuries, and more importantly he gives you insight based on his 30 years of clinical work as a licensed naturopathic doctor, into the THREE THING that everybody needs to do to get themselves into the game of healing. Let Dr. Glidden give you a guided tour of the undiscovered country of Science-Based, Clinically Verified, Wholistic Naturopathic Medicine. Prepare to have your illusions shattered...