Expendable Spice Rack, Spice Shelf, Spice Storage Organiser 4 Tier Made of Organice Bamboo by Intriom Bamboo Collection
価格: ¥9,003
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mesurements- 4.5 "高さ、 – 11 " width-depth、9インチの長さ、消費さを14.5インチ
Organise your herbs and spices with the Intriom Bamboo Spice Rack Step Shelf Organiser! Keep your accessories in full view and easy to reach.It's ideal to place in any part of the house like the kitchen, pantry, bathroom, or vanity area where you can put almost any item that you choose.Made from bamboo and furnished with a natural wood colour, it adds a classic and elegant to style to any area.For cleaning and maintenance, simply wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.