"The 2R Manager moves the reader effortlessly from intriguing premise through interactive diagnostics to effective personalized coaching that will improve management performance. It's an exceptionally engaging book." --John Eyler, chairman and chief executive officer, Toys "R" Us, Inc.
"Identifying that Relating and Requiring are fundamental management skills is profound in its simplicity. More importantly, Friedes tells you how and when to do both. It makes total sense. The 2R Manager is very well written, a must-read for managers." --Bonnie C. Hathcock, senior vice president and chief human resources officer, Humana, Inc.
"Peter Friedes knows and understands things about managing that most of us struggle a lifetime to learn. At last, with this book, he is sharing his insights with a general audience." --From the Foreword by David Maister, author and leading authority on managing professional service firms