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Sex Purpose Love: Couples in Integral Relationships Creating a Better World (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: singles2couples publishing
Many scientific studies and spiritual teachings suggest that being in a healthy lifelong love relationship, raising conscious children, and living on purpose are fundamental both for our own long-term well-being as well as for that of future generations, so that we and they can flourish in all respects materially, physically, sexually, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually.
Yet in today s modern and postmodern societies, an increasing number of people are not in such relationships, don t have children, and pursue an individualistic hedonistic lifestyle. Sadly, this individualism has been contributing to the ongoing socioeconomic and environmental problems that humanity is creating, rather than being part of their solution.
The sexual selection process has gone completely out of whack, more people live alone, most couples procreate way below sustainable rates. As a consequence, we may become the next endangered species if we don t change our way of relating with each other and the world. What happened? Many people moved from we to me , or loving themselves more than others, lost touch with what their life s purpose is beyond enjoying life to the fullest, and didn t acquire the relationship skills to master the complexities of love in the twenty-first century.
While our personal relationships and global challenges are constantly increasing in complexity, more people are looking for easy answers to address these problems. This simplistic approach is obviously not working.
On the other hand, most of the complex meta-models that are offered to solve the wicked problems that humanity is facing are rarely effective either, as they require a Ph.D.-level grasp of philosophical and scientific subtleties just to be understood. Ironically, these complex perspectives routinely overlook the basic fact that integrating the fundamental human dimensions of sex, purpose, love, and sustainable procreation is an essential prerequisite for creating the eudaimonic world that the creators of these models envision.
It is the purpose of this book to remedy these two problems by, on the one hand, providing a practical road map or model (the Integral Love Relationship model) that is simple enough to be fully grasped and put into action by singles and couples of all walks of life and educational levels, and on the other, by presenting a vision that is comprehensive enough to effectively address the relational and global challenges that humanity is facing in the twenty-first century.
Without such a model, we cannot even see what kind of love relationships are possible and necessary for our own well-being, and for the creation of a peaceful and sustainable world in which current and future generations can flourish.
My intention is to inspire singles and couples to realize their full healing and growth potentials to co-create the kind of love relationships that are not only personally satisfying, but that also radiate their love outward in growing concentric rings to embrace all of humanity.
In the four parts of this book, you find a practical application of Ken Wilber s acclaimed Integral theory of human growth and potentials to (1) co-creating a fulfilling sexual relationship, (2) sharing your deepest purpose with your partner, (3) deeply loving your partner and what is uniquely co-created between the two of you at all levels of your being, and (4) understanding why co-creation and procreation in Integral love relationships matter in the grand scheme of things. Or, in short, it is a book about sex, purpose, love, and creating a better world.