Holy Bible: Darby Translation (English Edition)
価格: ¥0
This is the Kindle version of the Darby Version (DBY) of the Bible translated from Hebrew and Greek by John Nelson Darby.
There are a number of ways to look up a given verse with your Kindle reader:
1. The Table of Contents: Navigate the table of contents, which is organized by book and chapter number.
2. Search by reference: Type in the abbreviated code for the book of the Bible followed by the verse, then press the 'enter' key twice. e.g. 'mat1.5' + enter + enter. The abbreviated codes are found in the Table of Contents.
3. Use the NCX menu
John Darby first published a translation of the New Testament in 1867, followed by revised editions in 1872 and 1884. After his death, his disciples produced an Old Testament translation based on Darby's French and German translations. In 1890 the complete Darby Bible, with Darby's 3rd edition of the New Testament and his students' Old Testament was published. J. N. Darby's stated aim was to make a modern translation for those who did not have access to manuscript texts or knowledge of Greek or Hebrew.