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Spring Stream - 35 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Activity Designed for Elderly People with Dementia / Alzheimer's by Active Minds

価格: ¥4,601
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: Active Minds
受賞歴のある – アクティブで2015国立た心をも抜群の製品認知症・ケア賞
専門的なデザイン – ゲームや年齢ケアの専用に開発されたおもちゃに適し症、アルツハイマーのアクティビティ製品を活用することで、
耐久性のある材料 – プラスチックピースがタフで手入れも簡単、感染対策に準拠
ガイド支援 – ボックスフレームではピースを組み立ててプロンプト会話を開始の質問
パズルが完了するレミニッセントイメージ – オイル、回想視覚障害のある人に適してイメージは1回化し、思い出や会話刺激し
Award Winning Puzzles Designed for People Living with Dementia
This 35 piece puzzle has been design in partnership with people living with dementia and professional carers.The large piece that match up to the background outline helps people with mid stage dementia complete the puzzles unassisted.The puzzle image has been carefully selected to provoke conversation, stories and memories.The puzzles are made from plastic making them, durable, easy to clean and infection control compliant.
"With the right support the person with dementia can enjoy a good life experience.Activities can play an important part in giving people a good experience and making them happy, so the Active Minds specialist products are a good fit."Dr Claire Royston, Group Medical Director at Four Seasons Health Care
Key Benefits:
Encourages conversation: the puzzle image is great tool to spark memories and conversation
Age Appropriate: the puzzles have designed to be engaging and achievable without being childish or patronising
Can improve dexterity: it is important to keep mobile and completing this puzzle will help keep minds and hands active
Suitable for early-mid stage dementia: the size of pieces and the puzzle box frame make this puzzle achievable for people with early-mid stage dementia
Infection control compliant: the plastic pieces are easy to clean and suitable for use in care homes and hospital