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Spaghetti Monster Colander Strainer by OTOTO

価格: ¥5,102
カテゴリ: その他
ブランド: OTOTO
ototo Studio落札したfsmism Colanderストレーナのデザイン
寸法: 19.5 X 12.2 X 8.6 inces ( 19.5 X 31 X 22 cm
100 %食品安全に保護されます。BPAフリー、食器洗い機の使用可能です。熱湯に強いです。
Don't let his pretty eyes fool you, this spaghetti monster is a straining master.And if you're planning a spaghetti dish, this noodly master will grant your wish! Whether you want to build an altar to Pastafarianism at the centre of the kitchen, require a more interesting colander to wear as a hat, or just want to enjoy some spaghetti-and-meatballs for dinner, this thing should serve as a viable tool for each of those tasks, all while looking so attractive! Do not Microwave and do not put in direct flame,