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The Lazy Guide to Habit Change (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Changing habits is hard. But what if there was an easier way?

It's easy to blame food for the reason we can't lose weight and get healthier. But is that really true?
It's easy to blame ourselves for not having enough discipline. But is that the whole picture?
And it's easy to to assume we were given the wrong formula: calories, fat, carbs, protein. But how well have those worked?

In the Lazy Guide to Habit Change, we examine how to change habits in the simplest, easiest way possible.

Inside, you'll learn the lazy way to achieving your goals:

*The Three Habit Commandments - 3 principles anyone can use to stick with exercise, eating the right foods consistently, and staying on track with goals.

*Why We Fail to Change - Even in the Face of Illness or Pain.

*The Beginner Habit Change Roadmap: a 7-Day Starter Plan for Habits

*How to Use The +1/-1 Technique To Stop Eating Sweets, Smoking, or Drinking Soda

*The Handshake Technique - Becoming a Regular Exerciser With This 5-Minute Habit

The Lazy Guide to Habit Change is a different way to think about why we fail to eat right, stick with our workout routines, and fight off sweets and cravings.

At the end of the day, there's a hard way to change, and a easy way?

Why not choose the lazy way?