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You Are Everything: the Little Book of Knowing Who You Are (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Ramaji Books
This is a short little book to remind you about who and what you really are. If you are familiar with Jiddu Krishnamurti, Nisargadatta Maharaj or Ramana Maharshi, then you may have heard this message.

It is not my message. It is the timeless message of the great Spiritual Masters of Advaita, non-duality, yoga and Kundalini. It is what is discovered in deep meditation and Self-inquiry ("Who am I?").

This book is my humble attempt to once again bring the eternal Truth about who and what you really are into the conscious awareness of a special and deeply spiritual person like you. I use everyday language and beautiful photographs from Nature to speak to you in a simple contemporary way.

This message is timeless, yet it is right Now. If you are ready, if you are ripe, you will recognize that i am talking about you. You know who you are. I am just reminding you. It is what friends do.

This is a short book. It is short on purpose. For one thing, it does not have to be any longer than it is.

Also, what I am about to say has been said before. But I am going to say it in a different way. Maybe you will hear it this time more clearly than you did last time.

What I am going to tell you is the ultimate secret of life. Though this secret is the greatest secret of all, it is completely free.

I am about to tell you the ultimate truth of who and what you are. Because you are already this, there is nothing you have to do to be it.

You are already it. You are already your true self. You are already that.

However, there is one little problem.

You do not know this.