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Mont Marte Mini Modelling Tools Boxwood 10pce - 3pack

価格: ¥4,817
カテゴリ: オフィス用品
ブランド: Mont Marte
Mont Marte 成形クレイは、上質なテクスチャーとしなやかなボディで滑らかに形作りやすい製品です。
Mont Marte成形クレイはお子様や学生さんにもぴったりのギフトです。非毒性なのでお子様も創造的なアイディアをどんどん実現できます。
Tips for Mini Modelling Tools:
Create textured grooves with the forked end and carve out concave areas with the small curved tool.
The rounded ball end can smooth out hard to reach places while the pointed tool shapes fine details with precision.
Cut and contour with the large blade end and smooth surfaces evenly with the rounded end tool.
The rounded paddle end can be used to gently flatten areas and the hooked end incises and removes clay with accuracy.
Use the short blade tool to slice and cut clay and the pointed end produces uniform convex surfaces.
Crosshatch and make fine lines with the large blade tool.The curved end contours delicate features.
Score fine lines with the pointed angle tool.Hollow out small areas with the small curved tool.
This pointed tool is invaluable for etching and indenting as well as aiding with the placement of small objects.
The sharp angled end smoothes and flattens and the large blade tool slices and sculpts.
This tool is fantastic for creating uniform patterns and aids in the precise placement of small objects