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PCI Compliance, Version 3.2: The Latest on PCI DSS Compliance (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
As PCI DSS is now well into its second decade, the standard is now mature. The dramatic between early versions have fizzled to clarifications and select new requirements. While the expanse of documentation for PCI DSS continues to grow without bounds, the piece that kicked off careers, products, and the ecosystem is now stable.

PCI DSS version 3.2, the latest in a string of updates to the original PCI DSS standard, is the target for many companies who handle cardholder data. In this text, readers will learn all of the updates and nuances for this latest version of the standard. If you are a merchant, I sincerely hope your PCI DSS scope reduces to nothing!

This book is meant to be a companion to PCI Compliance: Understand and Implement Effective PCI Compliance, 4th Ed. (Syngress) bringing the changes in PCI DSS 3.1 and 3.2 into this supplementary reference text.