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A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation: How to Attain Nibbana Through the Mindfulness of Lovingkindness (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Dhammasukha
In this booklet are the beginning instructions for Mettà or Loving-kindness Meditation, as part of the 'Practice of the Brahmaviharas' - which Bhante Vimalaramsi calls Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation or TWIM when practiced exactly from the suttas.

It is taken from the earliest Buddhist suttas and leads to the supreme goal of awakening - Nibbana!

The way Bhante teaches this meditation practice yields very fast results. The warm, happy feeling of Loving-kindness, and the 6Rs practice system Bhante has discovered, gives you deep and profound states of meditation in only a matter of weeks or even days, when practiced consistently.

Did you know Lovingkindness will take you deeper much faster than doing Breath Meditation?

This booklet gives the preliminary instructions for the practice of Metta and how to handle hindrances.

The TWIM 'Jhana' or the 'Tranquil Aware Jhana' is defined for you here, versus the well-known 'Absorption-Concentration Jhanas', which you hear about all the time. But the Buddha in sutta 36 said there was another path- he taught the eight 'Aware' Jhanas. You need to find out what those are!

Through this practice, you can experience those deep states within days or weeks, not years or decades. Even just sitting at home. Bhante has students he has never met or taken a retreat who have gone all the way to awakening by using this system at home.

Everything is here, and in detail, with many tips and examples, to get the meditator on his way to experiencing awakening in this very life.

For more than 40 years Bhante Vimalaramsi researched and practiced many methods without finding any real satisfaction. He went back to the earliest Buddhist teachings, using the Majjhima Nikaya and found what he was seeking. He found the step that had been left out! Find out what that is (hint- to 'tranquilize')

Bhante Vimalaramsi's method of “The 6Rs", is the key to the step he found, which is the "Relax" step. In the suttas, it is called "Tranquilize."

Bhante Vimalaramsi has been a monk since 1986 and practiced with many of the major Buddhist teachers in Asia. He now teaches all over the world and is the abbot of the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center near St. Louis, Mo, USA.