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The Concise, Easy-to-Use Guide to Designing Chemical Process Equipment and Evaluating Its Performance
Trends such as shale-gas resource development call for a deeper understanding of chemical engineering equipment and design. Chemical Process Equipment Design complements leading texts by providing concise, focused coverage of these topics, filling a major gap in undergraduate chemical engineering education.
Richard Turton and Joseph A. Shaeiwitz present relevant design equations, show how to analyze operation of existing equipment, and offer a practical methodology for designing new equipment and for solving common problems. Theoretical derivations are avoided in favor of working equations, practical computational strategies, and approximately eighty realistic worked examples. The authors identify which equation applies to each situation, and show exactly how to use it to design equipment.
By the time undergraduates have worked through this material, they will be able to create preliminary designs for most process equipment found in a typical chemical plant that processes gases and/or liquids. They will also learn how to evaluate the performance of that equipment, even when operating conditions differ from the design case.
Coverage includes
This guide draws on fifty years of innovative chemical engineering instruction at West Virginia University and elsewhere. It complements popular undergraduate textbooks for practical courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, reactors, or separations; supports senior design courses; and can serve as a core title in courses on equipment design.