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Excel VBA: Tips and Tricks to Learn and Understand Excel VBA for Business Analysis (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
It seems that we often take for granted those things that are readily available to us. The things we really don’t give that much attention, assuming that they will always be at our disposal. I suppose that is what has happened with Microsoft’s Excel VBA. People seem to know that the features they use only scratch the surface of this software’s incredible capabilities but few realize just how much they are missing out on.

As business owners, we are usually running at top speed, the concept of taking the time to learn something new, especially when we have found a way to manage all of our tasks, can feel like an exercise in futility. However, many might be surprised to learn that the heavy workload can easily be lessened just by learning some of even the most basic elements of the Excel program.

Using Excel VBA in your business could turn out to be the very thing that helps you boost your productivity and efficiency levels. It can save you hundreds, if not thousands of hours in manpower, something that can free up your time and resources so you can focus on the reason you went into business in the first place.

Whether you feel your time would be better spent doing the same thing you’ve always done or you’re looking for new ways to make your business run smoother, learning about Excel’s VBA program may very well be the answer to your prayers.

Here, in this book, we plan to discuss all you need to know to take advantage of this amazing tool. You will learn how to automate the very steps you have already been doing so that your business will be able to run at top speeds. You will learn to write your own code so that your Excel programs can be tailor made to match your unique business needs, and you will be able to take advantage of the many different ways you can utilize features like string manipulation and looping.

Finally, you will learn how to troubleshoot problems we all have when navigating the challenges of Excel VBA and give you a few tricks on exactly how to avoid them when creating your own lines of code.

No doubt, there is a reason why you downloaded this book. Maybe you’re trying to find a way to enhance your business practices or you’re looking for a better way to get your tasks done. You may simply be curious about all the talk about Excel VBA and came here for a closer look. Whatever your case, just know that you’re in for an exciting adventure into the wonderful world of Visual Basic Applications. At the very least, you will finish this journey with a whole new perspective on the power you can give your business with this amazing tool.