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ウィンザー&ニュートン 油絵具 ウィンザー&ニュートン アーチスト オイルバー チタニウムホワイト 644 50ml

価格: ¥799
カテゴリ: その他
ブランド: Winsor & Newton
本体サイズ :23×150(mm)
This unique range of Artists' Oilbars includes a kaleidoscope of 50 colours including genuine Cadmiums and Cobalts. They offer a richness and consistent colour with the freedom and directness of charcoal and pastels and are a joy to use. Much softer on application so less pressure is needed, they blend very easily with other colours and are even compatible with oil tube colour! Available in 50ml bars and in two different sets they are suitable for use with mediums and are ideal for use either in the studio or for artists on the move.