HALO: Lighting up Heaven on Earth (English Edition)
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H A L O: Lighting Up Heaven on Earth is a collection of stories written by an International Group of Heart and Service Centred Co-authors.
We aim to connect with your heart to bless, inspire, uplift, empower, heal, and enlighten you with stories on Health, Abundance, Love, and more. It is our hope that by sharing our stories that the Soul Light within you awakens, expands, and radiates outwardly to touch the heart of all you encounter in beautiful ways.
You were guided to this book by your Spiritual Support Crew. Within these pages, you will find wisdom, answers, and guidance to assist you in improving the quality of your everyday experiences.
We thank you for following your divine guidance while helping to Light up Heaven on Earth.
Introducing the Co-authors:
Angie Carter, Bonnie Scarborough, Brenda Rachel, Brian D Calhoun, Cheryl Sinfield, Fiona Louise, Georgie Deyn, Ivana Risianova, Jamieson Wolf, Jennifer Dahl-Kowalski, Julie L. Dudley, Kelly Gregory, Kimberly Hutt, Louise Lajeunesse, Maggie Power, Manpreet Komal, Marie-Hélène Fortin, Melisa Archer, Menna Glyn Andrews, Michelle Evans, Michelle Mayer, Michelle Scarborough, Natalie Bélair, Nicole Black, Quin Van Hagen, Regina Wright, Robert Hickinbotham, Robyn Dewar, Sharon Hickinbotham, Tracey Nguyen, Valerie Cameron, Vonne Solis