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(HIT THE SPOT) - HIT THE SPOT Decal BATHROOM TOILET Potty SEAT Boys Training Target (come with glowindark switchplate decal) StickerCiti Brand

価格: ¥1,282
カテゴリ: Home
ブランド: stickerciti
使用説明書付き (日本語ではない場合があります)。簡単にはがせて壁を傷つけません。
転写紙と説明書つき (日本語ではない場合があります)。
Best to use rubbing alcohol to clean the area since it dries by itself within seconds and leaves no residue behind.BEFORE APPLYING THIS DECAL, PLEASE MAKE SURE THE APPLICATION AREA IS COMPLETELY DRY.DO NOT use anything toilet cleaner to clean the area, which will leave a residue behind or oily substance Easy to apply.Peel and Stick.(No masking tape needed) Come With One Free GlowInDark Switchplated Decal with each order