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White Wizard Games Star Realms Deckbuildingゲーム

価格: ¥2,999
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: White Wizard Games
楽しいゲームプレイ – 驚くほどリッチでありながら簡単に学習
ポータブル – ゲーム全体のシステムでは収まるdeck-boxで上着にポケット
拡張が可能な – 1つのコピー追加するためには2選手のDSのゲームの最大6つのプレーヤー
美しい – リッチフルカラーのアートワークがこの架空の世界にライフ
Star Realms is a spaceship combat deck-building game by Magic Hall of Famers Darwin Kastle and Rob Dougherty (Ascension Co-founder). Star Realms is a fast paced deck-building card game of outer space combat. It combines the fun of a deck-building game with the interactivity of Trading Card Game style combat. As you play, you make use of Trade to acquire new Ships and Bases from the cards being turned face up in the Trade Row from the Trade Deck. You use the Ships and Bases you acquire to either generate more Trade or to generate Combat to attack your opponent and their bases. When you reduce your opponents score (called Authority) to zero, you win! The game consists of:

Trade Federation: In the far future, the more traditional governing bodies of the human race have been replaced with corporate leadership. The earth and its surrounding colonies are ruled by a group of corporations called the Trade Federation. The Federations policies are focused around trade and growth, but especially in profit and prosperity for those at the top of the corporate ladder. While they prefer to deal with other star realms using trade and diplomacy, they have a large defense branch dedicated to protecting the Federations trade and other interests. The Blobs: These mysterious creatures are the first alien life forms encountered by the human race. Most of the initial encounters consisted of human colonies being completely obliterated. On the few occasions that a Blob ship has been recovered somewhat intact, the only biological remains found inside have consisted of a gelatinous mass, thus leading to the moniker, The Blobs. While for several years all encounters between humanity and the Blobs have been extremely violent, there is currently some limited trade between various Blob factions and some of the more daring human traders.The Blobs are best at generating massive amounts of Combat and at removing undesirable cards from the Trade Row. Star Empire: The Star Empire consist