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cQMS Formula: A verified 4 step formula to establish and maintain a compliant quality management system (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
A verified 4 step formula to establish and maintain a compliant quality management system.

Have you obtained product clearance and are wondering how a quality management system is written and how to get started, no matter the size of your company?

What if it was easy to do and took just a couple of hours to get started with equipment you already own and know how to use?

The cQMS Formula: Quality System book teaches entrepreneurs, small business owners, authors, experts, speakers, coaches, consultants and creative types how to start their own compliant quality management system so they can sell or create products.

My primary goal in writing this book is that people in the medical device industry can read it, enjoy it, and walk away with new information. The solutions found in this book are simple. RA/QA is complicated enough, and this book should be read by people with all backgrounds (possibly with no RA/QA background or understanding) so simple solutions are always best. Everything is compliant. So much complexity in industry and compliance gets shoved to the back seat of the car. Compliance should drive the car! And most importantly, the solutions and examples are real. Real clients (with names removed), real projects, and real solutions to problems. Nothing make-believe in here. Simple. Compliant. Real. It shouldn't be any other way.

My secondary goal in writing this book is to make it actionable. When I was self-educating, I was amazed at each book that sent me on an endless learning expedition to other books. I wanted it simple and I wanted to implement now. This book is structured so that you have information to implement now. The first step Prepare can be completed within 5 days. The second and third steps, Implement and Train, can be completed within 5 weeks. And the last step Maintain can have the company ready for a successful audit in 5 months. It's the actionable book I always wish I had found and read!


One Last Thing...
If you enjoyed this book or found it useful I’d be very grateful if you’d post a short review here on Amazon. Your support really does make a difference and I read all the reviews personally so I can get your feedback and make this book even better.

Thanks again for your support!

Robyn Scopis
CEO, Regulatory Specialists, Inc.