Rutland 62 Fireplace Dry Mix Patch by Rutland
価格: ¥4,003
Rutland 62 Fireplace Dry Mix Patch
21 oz
If you have holes or cracks in a masonry firebox or in your outdoor fire pit, this product can give you a quick, secure repair. It requires no layering and cures completely without heat. This makes it rather easy to use to fix those problems that you have noticed but haven't gotten around to. When cured, the patch material withstands temperatures as high as 2000. The patch material comes dry and is gray in color. When mixed it has a pot time of 20 to 30 minutes and a dry time of about 24 hours with some variation depending on the thickness of application, the humidity, and the air temperature. With regard to coverage, 600 grams will fill holes up to 15 cubic inches.
Perfect for repairing holes or cracks in masonry fireboxes and outdoor fire pits.
Requires no layering.
Cures without heat.
Can withstand temperatures as high as 2,000 F.
Easy to use.
Consistency: dry.
Pot Time: 20 to 30 minutes.
Dry Time: 24 hours, depending upon thickness, humidity, and air temperature.
Coverage: 600 grams will fill holes up to 15 cu. in.
Color: Gray.