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Animal Intimacies: Interspecies Relatedness in India's Central Himalayas (Animal Lives)
価格: ¥3,297
Univ of Chicago Pr
The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins
From Modern Production to Imagined Primitive: The Social World of Coffee from Papua New Guinea
Earth Beings: Ecologies of Practice Across Andean Worlds (Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures)
Animate Planet: Making Visceral Sense of Living in a High-tech Ecologically Damaged World
Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism
My Life As a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File
Limits to Decolonization: Indigeneity, Territory, and Hydrocarbon Politics in the Bolivian Chaco (Cornell Series on Land)
Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene
Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability (Zone Books)