Ty タイ Hello Kitty ハローキティ Mサイズ ロリポップ 【ぬいぐるみ】 40961
価格: ¥1,296
本体サイズ :幅約11cm×高さ約14cm×奥行き約6cm
主な製造国 :中国
Ty Beanie Hello Kitty Collection Lollipop.This Beanie Babies Hello Kitty is a collectable soft toy and part of the Ty Hello Kitty range.Hello Kitty-fans and kids will love this soft toy, featuring the main character from the popular Japanese TV programme.The Beanie Babies Hello Kitty is made from plush fabric, filled with polyester fibre and P.E.plastic pellets.This Beanie Babies Hello Kitty soft toy would make the ideal present or cuddly friend for any child.All tags and accessories must be removed before giving to a child.