パワーレンジャー Fisher-Price Imaginext Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Red Ranger and Yellow Ranger
価格: ¥3,587
Fisher-Price - Imaginext
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series
Figure pack includes Mighty Morphin Yellow Power Ranger with Power Daggers and Mighty Morphin Red Power Ranger with Power lance
Weapons fit in figures’ hands, and are interchangeable
Collect all Imaginext® Power Rangers figure packs and use the weapons to form the Power Blaster! (Each sold separately and subject to availability.)
Add might to every Power Rangers battle with the Mighty Morphin Yellow and Red Power Rangers.Collect all the Rangers and combine their weapons to form the Power Blaster! (Each sold separately and subject to availability.) Young Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fans will love using these figures to reenact scenes from their favourite TV show and movies.Go Go Power Rangers!