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WebGL Gems (3D Game Development) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Learning Curve
I wrote my first OpenGL tutorials back in 2004. Since then, I published several programming books and started my own independent book publishing company: Learning Curve. WebGL Gems is the latest tutorial book in game development series from Learning Curve Books!

WebGL Gems is a special book. It will take you on a journey of learning how to create WebGL applications while making a 3D racing game.

Inside, the author walks you step-by-step though the technical setup required to initialize WebGL, asynchronously load GLSL shaders, start drawing triangles, load 3D models into your game world, set up 3D camera that follows your a car, setup basic lighting system and much more... all the while, creating a small 3D racing game toward the end of the book.

Toward the end, a few brief chapters talk about loading 2D sprites into your 3D WebGL application, creating your own font renderer, and sprite animation engine. All from a single spritesheet (A sprite sheet is an image containing all frames of a single animation, or a font sheet containing all ASCII characters.)

This is a WebGL tutorial book for beginners, it's easy to read and tries not to overwhelm the reader with technical language or large lists of WebGL functions. Instead the passage gradually reveals how to make games with WebGL, focusing on one subject at a time.

The book comes in Kindle e-book format, as well as paperback since its release in 2017.