Finger Care Massager, Acupressure Massage Rings for Complete Relax Hand Care by Super India
価格: ¥15,153
Finger Care Massager, Acupressure Massage Rings for Complete Relax Hand Care
**IMPORTANT NOTE** - The images and page information for this product have been created by 'Super India Store'. You will get exactly what you see only if you order from Super India Store.;**FREE Gift Box Packaging worth $1.99 as shown in image with secured Bubble Wrap for Product inside.;**PLEASE CONFIRM** Original Seller Sold by Super India Store' and Fulfilled by Amazon before you add it to the cart. Genuine Super India Store. product - beware of imitations!;FREE Acupressure K-Roll Worth $4.99, FREE 2 Sujok Rings Worth $3.99, FREE 2 Power Ball Worth $4.99, FREE 2 Acupressure Thumbs Worth $6.99. (TOTAL FREE Nos. 4 Acupressure Healthcare Products Worth $21.00 Approx.);***relief for strain and fatigue, finger numbness, stiff joints and arthritic soreness. ***stimulate nerves and neural system. ***using Sujok Therapy to enhance blood circulation, brain activity and sense of touch.