(King Unattached, Burgundy) - Mezzati Soft and Comfortable Waterbed Sheets Set - 1800 Prestige Brushed Microfiber Collection Bedding (Burgundy, King Unattached)
価格: ¥22,016
このシーツはキングサイズのウォーターベッドマットレスに合うよう作られています。 シーツには裏面がありません。ディープポケット型のボックスシーツを含むシーツセット。最高14インチ厚さのマットレスにフィット。4枚セット:フラットシーツ (108×102インチ) 1枚、掛け布団シーツ (72×84インチ) 1枚、キングサイズ枕カバー (20×40インチ) 2枚。
1800プレステージコレクション起毛マイクロファイバー。 最高品質でお手頃価格。ソフトなシルクのようなタッチで、通気性があり、低刺激。 このウォーターベッドシーツは寝室、子供部屋に最適 - 少年、少女、ゲストルーム、RV、別荘、寮、追加の寝具などに。プレゼントにも最適です。
お手入れ簡単。 しわになりにくく、色褪せしにくい仕様。冷水で洗濯機洗い。乾燥機は低温でご使用ください。
Mezzati Luxury LinensModern luxury meets classic comfort.Affordable, top quality linens.BenefitsMicrofiber sheets are warm and cuddly in winter and cool in summer - like a cosy t-linens.Benoallergenic and resistant to dust linens.Benellent solution for those who tend to sweat at night.Wick moisture and remain cool, and very fast linens.Benvide a luxurious softness, resist wrinkling and are strong and linens.Ben will be surprised how comfortable you will feel.1800 Prestige CollectionThese sheets shall complement any bed no matter what bedroom style you are trying to linens.Bent's more important is that it will insure that you and your close ones have a good night linens.Ben spend third of our lives in bed so why not make sure that we spend it in linens.Benides with Mezzati sheet sets you don't need to spend a fortune like you would on some other luxury linens.Ben price that fits any budget and product that will satisfy your need for luxurious comfort that you linens.Beny CareWrinkle and Fade resistant, machine wash in cold water.Tumble dry on linens.Benzati Luxury Linens offers the Highest Quality Brushed Microfiber on the Market!Choose Quality - Choose Comfort while supplies last!