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Sacred Arias (W/Dvd) (Spec)

価格: ¥3,585
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Philips
When he was growing up, Andrea Bocelli recalls finding inspiration in a favorite recording of sacred music performed by tenor legend Franco Corelli. Bocelli--who in the meantime has come to inspire millions of fiercely loyal fans himself--returns to the genre as the guiding theme of Sacred Arias. These performances are filled with the singer's phenomenally well-known vocal signature: his flair for long, sweetly floating high notes and the gentle sense of cadence he brings to a melody. It's a mistake to compartmentalize Bocelli into a singer of "operatic" versus "popular" styles: in truth his approach is at heart the same. Lack of color and control in his phrasing remains a drawback, but the emotional empathy Bocelli evokes is never in doubt. The arias collected here sample some of the most famous devotional pieces: Schubert's "Ave Maria" and Mozart's transporting "Ave Verum," as well as an arrangement of "Silent Night" in which Bocelli tries out his English. There's also a decidedly odd choice of bedfellows for a program of "sacred" music, such as a song from Wagner's Wesendonck Lieder (whose "angel" is the object of an overpoweringly erotic attraction) and Handel's figurative ode to a tree, "Ombra mai fu." Still, Bocelli sings with an unfeigned directness that is sure to expand his already enormous following even further. This new special edition includes two bonus tracks on a CD enhanced with a picture gallery as well as a full-length DVD of Bocelli in concert filmed at the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. --Thomas May
冒頭の一曲でノックアウトされた ★★★★★
カッチーニの「Ave Maria」でノックアウトされた。荘厳な美しい教会、美しく重厚で聖なる装飾の中で、ボッチェリの温かな歌声が響く。そして、この曲のアレンジは、素晴らしい。前奏、間奏ともに秀逸で、さらに曲の合間のカメラワークが上手く演出している。、教会の天井の青がまぶしく、夜空に星がまたたくがごとく、彼の歌声をさらに盛りたてている。
既に持っている方はともかくとして。 ★★★★★
Sacred AriasのCDにライヴDVDがセットになったお徳な逸品です。CDの方にはボーナストラックとして新たに「Angus Dei」と 「I Believe」が収録されています。DVDの方はライヴの模様と合わせて、アンドレアのナレーションとともに彼の故郷、家族とすごす姿などが入っています。クリスマスにアンドレアがピアノを弾き、みんなで歌っている場面なんか素敵です。英語、かつ輸入盤なので日本語字幕はありませんが、かなり平易な英語なので頑張れば聞き取れる……かも。ちなみに、輸入盤ですがリージョン0なのでご安心を(この辺、CD扱いの商品でも、ちゃんと表記しといて欲しいところですね。たまに痛い目見ますし)