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Orations, Volume III: Orations 21-26: Against Meidias. Against Androtion. Against Aristocrates. Against Timocrates. Against Aristogeiton 1 and 2 (Loeb Classical Library)
価格: ¥3,184
Harvard University Press
Trials from Classical Athens (Routledge Sourcebooks for the Ancient World)
Orations, Volume I: Orations 1-17 and 20: Olynthiacs 1-3. Philippic 1. On the Peace. Philippic 2. On Halonnesus. On the Chersonese. Philippics 3 and 4. Answer to Philip's Letter. Philip's Letter. On Organization. On the Navy-boards. For the Liberty of the Rhodians. For the P (Loeb Classical Library)
Lysias (Loeb Classical Library)
Orations, Volume IV: Orations 27-40: Private Cases (Loeb Classical Library)
Orations, Volume V: Orations 41-49: Private Cases (Loeb Classical Library)
Orations, Volume VI: Orations 50-59: Private Cases. In Neaeram (Loeb Classical Library)
The Law in Classical Athens (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life)