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Orations, Volume II: Orations 18-19: De Corona, De Falsa Legatione (Loeb Classical Library)
価格: ¥3,184
Harvard University Press
The Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle
Speeches (Loeb Classical Library)
Isocrates: volume I (Lcl 209)
Isocrates: volume II (Lcl 229)
Orations, Volume I: Orations 1-17 and 20: Olynthiacs 1-3. Philippic 1. On the Peace. Philippic 2. On Halonnesus. On the Chersonese. Philippics 3 and 4. Answer to Philip's Letter. Philip's Letter. On Organization. On the Navy-boards. For the Liberty of the Rhodians. For the P (Loeb Classical Library)
Orations, Volume V: Orations 41-49: Private Cases (Loeb Classical Library)
Greek Iambic Poetry: From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC (Loeb Classical Library)
Menander: Volume III (Loeb Classical Library 460)
The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Including the Letters (Bollingen Series (General))