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Bat Boy

価格: ¥3,746
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Rca Victor
As far as we know, Bat Boy is the only musical to have been inspired by a headline in the Weekly World News tabloid. It tells the story of, well, a bat boy (complete with pointy ears) found in a West Virginia cave. Adopted by the family of the town's vet, Edgar--as he comes to be known--actually goes on to acquire an education and even falls in love with the vet's daughter, all the while struggling to keep his blood thirst under control. Things end tragically--unsurprisingly, interspecies romance is still battling considerable prejudice in this country. Composer-lyricist Laurence O'Keefe came up with catchy songs that owe a lot to late 1960s and early '70s rock musicals such as Godspell and even The Rocky Horror Show. Skillfully walking the thin line between over-the-top camp and actual emotion, O'Keefe has written a wonderful little musical that cleverly deals with issues of difference and community values. As weird as it sounds, we foresee quite a future for Bat Boy in amateur productions. --Elisabeth Vincentelli