The Making of Minjung: Democracy and the Politics of Representation in South Korea
価格: ¥3,545
- Measured Excess: Status, Gender, and Consumer Nationalism in South Korea
- Korea Between Empires, 1895-1919 (Studies of the East Asian Institute)
- Park Chung Hee and Modern Korea: The Roots of Militarism, 1866–1945
- 3.11: Disaster and Change in Japan
- Ethnic Nationalism in Korea: Genealogy, Politics, and Legacy (Studies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center)
- Decentering Citizenship: Gender, Labor, and Migrant Rights in South Korea
- South Koreans in the Debt Crisis: The Creation of a Neoliberal Welfare Society (American Encounters/Global Interactions)
- South Korea's Minjung Movement: The Culture and Politics of Dissidence (Studies from the Center for Korean Studies)
- Living on Your Own: Single Women, Rental Housing, and Post-Revolutionary Affect in Contemporary South Korea