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Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

価格: ¥1,052
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Vermilion
Simple Advice That You Can Relate To ★★★★☆
I must admit I have been reading this book for about 3 months now. That is my only complaint. It's easy to put down and not pick up again but once you do you can completely relate to the ideas of the book and see the pitfalls and results of "Feeling the fear and not doing it" in your own life.

Dr. Jeffers reminds us that fear is a part of growth and guess what, if you are feeling it you aren't growing. She also points out that when faced with a difficult decision the is no losing choice. The power to always make your choice a winner lies in yourself. I found this point particularly empowering and have since used this new found knowledge in my decision making process.

Overall a book that can be applied to your life with positive results at the end of each chapter.