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カタンフレネミーズ(拡張版) Frenemies of Catan/ボードゲーム 日本語説明書付き

価格: ¥1,080
カテゴリ: Video Game
ブランド: アズモディー(Asmodee)
Amazon.co.jpが販売する商品は【日本語説明書付】。※「Amazon.co.jp が発送」は日本語訳がない輸入品も含まれます。※海外からの直送品には日本語説明書は付いておりません。
対象年齢 :10才以上
Hark, friend! Let us.help.each other.We live in a time of altruism on Catan.We give away resources to help lagging players.We move the robber to isolated locations to ensure the safety of our fellows.We even go out of our way to connect our roads with our neighbours' networks.Has everyone gone nuts.Ah! Thanks to their beneficence, Catan's guilds reward such noble-minded behaviour by handing out "Favour Tokens" (FTs).Each guild helps us in different ways: granting us roads, development cards, random resources, preferential trades, or even Victory Points.In Catan Scenarios: Frenemies of Catan, everyone is still just in it for themselves as there is an ulterior motive for everything.In fact, sometimes you can "help a friend" while making things far worse for them.Sigh.If goodwill really exists, it's not part of this scenario.