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価格: ¥747
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Arista
Like its predecessors, Kenny G's Breathless is a collection of tuneful, easy-listening instrumentals baited with a couple of pop-soul vocal numbers. This album is built on Kenny G's most obvious strengths: his knack for writing hummable pop hooks and his ability to play those radio-friendly melodies in a breathy, fluid style that invites the listener to lie back and relax. When it comes to background music that's slightly catchier and peppier than most new age music, Kenny G is a master of his genre. The titles of Kenny G's instrumentals on are a good clue to his approach: "Sentimental", "The Joy of Life", "Forever in Love" and "The Wedding Song". Sentimental, in the sense of simplifying life to a set of comfortable feelings, is a good adjective for Kenny G's music, for even his wordless instrumentals push the listener's warm glow buttons while ignoring anything more complicated. The saxophonist himself programmed many of the drum, bass and keyboard parts on Breathless, contributing to the sense that everything's running on autopilot. --Geoffrey Himes
ソプラノサックスの名手 ★★★★☆


中でも、5曲目の「By The Time This Night Is Over(愛の夜明け)」は、「美女と野獣」「アラジン」の主題歌でおなじみのピーボ・ブライソンをボーカルにむかえたラヴソングは絶妙です!ケニーのサックスとブライソンの声が!とても気持ちよく調和していて、どちらの音を邪魔することなくきれいなサウンドを聴かせてくれます。ちなみにこの曲はピーボ・ブライソンのアルバム「スルー・ザ・ファイア」にも収録されています。

日本版との大きな違いは、「Jasmine Flower」が収録されていないことですね。より多くケニーの曲に出会いたいという人は日本版を購入されるほうが良いかもしれません。