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新装版 講談社漢英学習字典 - Kodansha's Kanji Learner's

価格: ¥4,095
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: 講談社インターナショナル
【セブン-イレブンで24時間受取りOK・送料0円!】 著者/訳者名:春遍雀来/編 出版社名:講談社インターナショナル 発行年月:2001年09月 関連キーワード:コウダンシヤ カンエイ ガクシユウ ジテン こうだんしや かんえい がくしゆう じてん、 コウダンシヤインタ-ナシヨ 2361 こうだんしやいんた-なしよ 2361、 コウダンシヤインタ-ナシヨ 2361 こうだんしやいんた-なしよ 2361 2,230の見出し字及び31,000語に対する41,100字義を収録した漢英字典。「字型式検字法」を初めとする3種類の検索方法により迅速に検索できる。Unicodeを初めとする各種文字コード付き。
suitable for nihongo beginner ★★★★★
I bought this book when I was still in my first year of learning Japanese.This book has really helped me a lot because some of the kanjis in this book are not available in my medical eletronic dictionary. The indexes are divided into three groups:-On-Kun Index, Radical Index and Pattern Index; making finding the kanji that you want a lot much easier. I really recommend this book for people who have just started to learn Japanese because this book will help you to remember and master kanjis more efficiently. Please forgive me for my bad English.
Good Dictionary ★★★★★
I have started using this Dictionary as a beginner without any experience of reading a Kanji dictionary before. It is really easy to look at in whatever style and format you want to look at a word. For example, you can look for kanji in terms of stroke orders or pronunciation etc etc. It is worth every Yen and my vocabulary has greatly increased becuase of this Dicitionary. I recommend this to any beginner who is interested in using a Kanji dicitionary. I am writing this review in English to help those people who are not yet comfartable in reading Kanji.