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Lovers Rock / Lovers Live (Cd +dvd / Amaray Dvd Case)

価格: ¥4,034
カテゴリ: DVD
ブランド: Epic
お買い得!! ★★★★☆

   パイオニア  DV-600AV   (DVDプレイヤー)
   パナソニック DIGA-BW850  (BDプレイヤー)


 初期の Smooth Operater も唱っているし、Kiss of Life も入っている。

・CD「Lovers Rock」の方は、オマケの感じ。

・私的には、CD「Love Deluxe」の方が好き!!



Great value! ★★★★★
It is a great value to get both CD and DVD!
The DVD displays a show in USA. Sade is more sensual than ever... More than that, she shows her habilities in the stage as a performer, dancer as well as her human side. Her integration with the musicians and public is fabulous!
I used to like her music but after seeing this show, I can say I like her as a singer and person.
The CD is also very good and getting both CD & DVD together are a great bargain!