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The Art of Fiction: Illustrated from Classic and Modern Texts

価格: ¥1,959
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Penguin Books
Presumably interesting to anyone. ★★★★★
God, please forgive me for commenting on this book without finishing reading it.
Thanks to this great book, I have understood the art of "The Epistolary Novel", a chapter in this work, though I was only able to associate the term with the name Samuel Richardson as a precocious university student. Moreover, now I can tell the difference between "Mystery" and "Suspense". As there are many such interesting chapters including the said ones, I read them quite amused.
For those who major in English literature, this writing will be quite interesting, and it will be so for those who do not, too.
I purchased this book, because my friend in my university days whose influence has been more than any other had implied that I should read a copy of it. A teacher in those days also recommended I should read this book; now it is my turn to recommend this wonderful reading to the readers of this review. If it should be boring, complain about it to Mr. Lodge, please.
名作の一端が味わえるのも魅力のひとつ ★★★★★
本書は、第1章の "Beginning"から始まって、第50章の "Ending" で終わるという具合に、文字通り「小説の技巧」のすべてを披露してくれています。さらに、嬉しいことには、各章の冒頭には、現代を代表する作家たちの作品の一節が掲げられており、名作の一端が味わえるのも魅力のひとつです。各章を、さながら「大学の講義」を聴いているかのように味わえるのも、「ロッジ教授」ならではのものです。是非とも、名講義を聴講あれ。