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We Have Always Lived in the Castle

価格: ¥1,162
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Penguin (Non-Classics)
閉じた女の世界 ★★★★★




Haunting and Mesmerizing ★★★★★
MaryCatherine and Constance, two sisters, who live under the shadow of the eldest`s history of having been put on trial for poisoning. Until now, they have lived, ostracized by the villagers, in quiet isolation, although "Merricat," as we come to know her, is pretty content with the arrangement. However, an intruder in the shape of their cousin, upsets this eccentric, but fairly calm lifestyle by insisting on taking the family fortune away with him. He disturbs the balance of their existence, essential to someone`s delicate veneer of sanity.
Who is sane and who is not? Who is the poisoner, with latent homocidal tendencies? Ms Jackson pulls us in, entrancing us with this tale of two sisters, enshrouded in mystery, who must bear the stigma of the unsolved deaths in their family`s recent past. But as we begin to realize the horrible situation that is unfolding, we begin to squirm. There is nothing we can do to prevent the dreadful outcome, and still we read on, caught in Jackson`s web of fascination.

二人兄弟のMaryCatharine(Merricat)とConstanceがかぞくがどくでころされた時から、だんだん自分たちの 世界に入り込み、かわっている、けど、平和なくらしをしていました。なぜと言うのは、Constanceがその事の殺人犯に疑われましたからです。自分たちだけの世界に入り込むいとこさん(遺産を奪おうとするおとこ、)がそのかわっているけど平静なくらしのデリケートなバランスをくずして、だれかの正気のバランスもくずしてしまいます。大変な事になります。底までに釣れていくユーモア、サスペンス、そして、人間のキャラクター、がものすごくおもしろかったです。出没する話です。